Thursday, 2 March 2017


This week we have been preparing to write our postcards for the Get NZ Writing Warehouse Stationery challenge.

Earlier this week we looked at language features. Two that we focused on were similes and metaphors. We found metaphors a little bit harder.

Today we looked at a New Zealand poet named Ian Sharp. His poem is made up of a series of metaphors. Here is his poem:

The Iain Sharp Poem
Iain Sharp is a fat parcel
of mixed groceries
tied with a clumsy knot.
Iain Sharp is a black kite
adrift on changeable winds.
Iain Sharp is a pile of scoria
tricking softly to the sea.
Whenever I peep in mirrors
Iain Sharp frowns back at me.
It’s terrifying.
Iain Sharp is a runaway tramcar.
Iain Sharp is a chunk of moonrock.
Iain Sharp is nine letters
wrenched from the Roman Alphabet.
Look there and there!
Bits of bright confetti
blow from chapel to chapel.
I chase them with outstretched hands.
They might be Iain Sharp

In groups we made up our own poems based on his poem. We had to write metaphors to answer these questions:

  • If our class were a kind of vehicle what kind of vehicle would it be?
  • If our class were a kid of building what kind of building would it be?
  • If our class were something you find in your community what something would it be?
  • If our class were a kind of meal what kind of meal would it be?
  • If our class were an item of clothing what item would it be?

Room 1 & 2 poem!

Rakino one and two is a yellow lamborghini zooming to victory.

Rakino one and two is a skytower full of inspiration.

Rakino one and two is a marine reserve filled with activity.

Rakino one and two is a hotdog full of new ideas.

Rakino one and two is a tie dyed shirt full of hard work.

By Paige C Lauren A & Nathan R

images.pngRakino 1 and 2 is a school drifting away and learning new things!

Rakino 1 and 2 is a sky tower climbing to success.

Rakino 1 and 2 are a supermarket full of learning!

Rakino 1 and 2 is a seed growing our way to success

Rakino 1 and 2 is a jacket full of pockets of fun.


Rakino 1 and 2 are a zipping bullet train speeding away towards new goals.Image result for bullet train png

Rakino 1 and 2 are a fun bundle of fish and chips.
... 164930387--Fish and chips. ...

Rakino 1 and 2 are a huge skyscraper still progressing higher towards their achievements.Image result for skyscraper

Rakino 1 and 2 are a small beach full of learning.
File:Qantab Beach and small ...

Rakino 1 and 2 are a pair of gloves sewn together with friendship.

Rakino 1 and 2 are the best class ever.
Liam, Oliver and Mark

Rakino 1 & 2 is a race car racing up hills to             achieving    our goals!!!

Rakino  1 & 2’s mind makes the sky tower taller everyday!!!

Rakino 1 & 2 are seagulls soaring through the streets!!!

Rakino 1 & 2 are cooler than ice cream!!!

Rakino 1 & 2 are piles of clothing with their own special features!!!
May-Lee, Julia,

Rakino 1&2 are a jet soaring to victory and achieving our goals.

Rakino 1&2 are a burger with good and innovative ideas as the filling.

Rakino 1+2 are a shimmering skirt flowing with great and innovative ideas.

Rakino 1&2 are a police station, locking up negative things and transforming them into great successful ideas.  

Rakino 1&2 are a half built house building on confidence and getting stronger.
By Emma Tasman and Elise

Rakion 1&2 are a skyscraper reaching to the sky to discover new ideas
Rakino 1&2 are a busload of fun
Rakino 1&2 are a big scarf wrapped around the world for new ideas
Rakion 1&2 are building up with new ideas
Rakino 1&2 are a big turkey that fills up a whole plate  



Room 1 & 2 is a hwacha shootingbad ideas.

Room 1 & 2 is the golden bakery working together to get class money.
Room 1 & 2 is 2 big shoes running to win cross country.
Room 1 & 2 is popping candy and exploding new ideas.popping candy.jpg
Room 1 & 2 is double decker bus working together to build a better future.
Jack R, Max,

Rakino 1&2 are a soaring plane full of cheeky and thoughtful animals  Image result for aeroplanes

Rakino 1&2 is a sky tower rising to our goals
Image result for sky tower

Rakino 1&2 is a long noodle stretching towards achievement and never breaking  the journey  

Image result for noodleImage result for noodle

Rakino  1&2 is a beach with waves stretching past our goals  

Image result for beach waves

Rakino 1&2  is a long scarf  from our abilities and  its length goes far beyond our goals

Image result for winter scarf
Janielle, Kayden

Rakino 1&2 poem

Rakino one and two is a motorbike zooming with learning. Rakino one and two is a shooting skyscraper reaching for our goal’s.
Rakino one and two is a beautiful beach because of our teacher’s.
Rakino one and two is a giant cookie full of sugar to keep us moving.
Rakino one and two is a warm scarf to keep us motivated.    


Image result for funny bird planeRakino 1 & 2 are a plane squawking to achievements

Rakino 1 2 is a skyscraper reaching for victor

RAKINO 1 &  2 are a mcchicken burger with learning for a side!!McChicken
Jack B, Matthew, Marcus

Rakino Room 1 and 2 is a  bright Red ferrari , with some roaring hearts.

Image result for red Ferrari
Rakino 1 & 2 is a skytower reaching for our goals.Image result for Sky Tower

Rakino 1 and 2 is a baroque cooking meat.Image result for roast meat

Room 1 and 2 is the information center of our communityImage result for information centre logo
Image result for a puffer jacket
Rakino 1 and 2 are the warmest jacket to everyone.

Rio, Sacha, Samuel

Rakino 1 and 2 is a mclaren drifting to victory.
Image result for mclaren p1 gif
Rakino 1 and 2 is` a sailing boat achieving it’s goals.
Image result for sailing boat
Rakino 1 and 2 is crunching nacho to success.
Image result for nachos
Rakino 1 and 2 is swimming in there togs the next level.            
Image result for person swimming
Sam, Charlie, Tom

Rakino 1&2 is a rocket that flies high for a  successful   future,

Rakino 1&2s learning learning level is as high as the sky tower,

Rakino 1&2 is a happy meal boosting the morale of others,

Rakino 1&2 are a t-shirt waving in the wind having fun,

Rakino 1&2 are a police station investigating problems.

Zoe, Logan, James

Room 1 and 2 Is a…
Image result for road train png
Road train driving down a bumpy road.
Image result for skyscraper png
Skyscraper reaching new heights in our learning.
Related image
Tor sitting proudly high above everything else.
Image result for star wars shirt png
Awesome shirt on a rack.
Image result for pizza slice png
Pizza burning it’s box.


1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Rakino

    Thank you so much for your wonderful writing and also the huge effort you went into producing your poster. We loved reading all your metaphors. Clearly a lamborghini is the car of choice in Torbay!

    We have taken a picture in our classroom of your poster and all of us lieing around it. Please have a look for it on our blog.

    We would love to hear from you and see more of what you're up to. We have also just done our swimming sports and are going on Camp next week.

    Kia kaha
    Room 1
    Ilam School
