
Reading Presentation Timetable

This year we will not be sending home weekly homework sheets. About twice a term there will be project type tasks that we would like you to do.

There are certain things we would like you to work on at home each week: 

Reading is an important life skill that we use in all areas of the curriculum and also in our everyday lives. You should try and read for 20 minutes every day. Make sure you read a variety of different text types e.g news articles, novels, short stories, magazines and non-fiction information.

We currently have a free trial of Reading Eggs for a month which you can also work on at home.

The most important mathematical skills we would like you to work on at home are your basic facts. We would like you to be able to know these instantly. This takes practice so PLEASE work on these at home.

Here are some sites you can use to help:
Addition and Subtraction

Multiplication and Division

You can also sign up to XtraMath and get a free account

IXL is another site that we use at school where you can go on and practice some of the number knowledge and skills we work on at school.

You need to spend time learning your spelling words each week. Here is a good strategy you can use to help you learn your words.

This strategy is coming soon!
Note to parents
Dear Parents/Caregivers

This year your child will be doing the You Can Spell programme for spelling. Part of this programme is the development of spelling skills.

Your child will be tested on their words each week but they will only bring home the spelling words they don’t know how to spell. This means children may have a varying number of words that they bring home to learn.

Along with how to spell words, we will be developing other spelling and vocabulary skills. We will be encouraging children to use the new and interesting words they learn in their writing to show they understand how and when to use them.

Here are some sites you can use to practice your writing:

Extra Activities:
We know many of you also do extra activities such as sport, learning to play musical instruments, scouts, guides and many other things. These activities are important and help you to learn skills that will help you in life.

Helping at home
Here is a list of things you can do to help your family. You might already do many of these (maybe even more) which is great. These are just suggestions.
  • Pack and unpack your own bag
  • Make your own lunch
  • Make your bed every morning
  • Keep your bedroom tidy
  • Set the table for dinner
  • Help with the cooking
  • Help to take care of your pets

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